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Unison 2 1 10

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Important note Binaries and source releases are now on the project releases page. This site will not be updated with new releases.

Noteburner spotify music converter 1 1 76. The Panic File Museum. Welcome to everything we've ever made. Note: old software is unsupported. Unison or perfect unison (also called a prime, or perfect prime) may refer to the (pseudo-)interval formed by a tone and its duplication (in German, Unisono, Einklang, or Prime), for example C–C, as differentiated from the second, C–D, etc. In the unison the two pitches have the ratio of 1:1.

Unison Binaries

Here are some compiled versions of Unison. For more information about Unison,please see the project page or the Yahoo discussion group.

Mac OS X

  • Text version

    Use the GUI version, and do a Unison -> Install Command line tool

  • GUI Intel
    • 2.48.15 (2015.10.05, stable, tested on El Capitan. Requires El Capitan.Compiled with Ocaml 4.02.) SHA1: e7e7d306e33cd498ab58f8e6aa508c8f4024f1b2.
    • 2.48.3 (2015.06.17, stable. Requires a version of OS X with the notificationcenter. Compiled with Ocaml 4.01; use this version if you need to connect tounison servers compiled with Ocaml 4.01.) SHA1:b77d588bdee11a50c0ed90acb7e3558499f9cfce.
    • 2.40.61 (2011.01.28, stable). SHA1:7b11e4a8a27a414e227ec2fcf825a2180faa1c30.
    • 2.40.69 (2011.07.19, stable, <strong>64 bits only</strong>.) SHA1:a5030e7e1f59d90815c54b4fb824a8dde96acd41.
  • GUI Universal Binary
    • 2.27.72 (2008.05.29, stable. This has been tested on Leopard intel and PPC.If something goes wrong, please drop me a line). SHA1:26c07ccdfcf67bd6d9ae6854adbef8e3d6939a5a.
    • 2.32.12 (2009.05.06, stable. Should work on Tiger and Leopard). SHA1:839c06a1f328bd2e64cf8eeb20cea18953137c1e.
    • 2.40.61 ppc (2011.01.28, stable, PPC only, thanks to Urs Mueller)


Unison binaries for Windows may be found on Jérôme Vouillon’s Unison page.


Thanks to Mike Elkevizth, here are Linux GTK+ version.

  • 2.27.57 (2008.02.04, stable, compiled on CentOS 4.6),
  • 2.32.52 64 bit (2009.07.01, stable, compiled on CentOS 5.3),
  • 2.32.12 32 bit (2009.05.11, stable, compiled on CentOS 4.7).

Thanks to Ivo Pletikosić, here is Linux GTK+ version 2.40.61 (2010.10.26,stable, 32 bits).

Thanks to Urs Mueller, here are text only static versions

  • 2.40.61 32 bits (2011.01.28, stable, 32 bits),
  • 2.40.61 64 bits (2011.01.28, stable, 64 bits).

Thanks to Lyle Gordon, here is an Oracle Solaris 11 Express version, compiledwith ocaml 3.10.2 and lablgtk 2.10.1: 2.40.63 (2011.05.03, stable).

Thanks to Denoyse, here is an arm version, compiled under Debian squeeze ona Marvell Sheeva CPU (DreamPlug): 2.40.63 (2011.10.16, stable).

Thanks to Greg Huber, here is a a centos 5.7 x8664 version: 2.40.63(2012.01.20, stable) Adobe lightroom latest version for mac.

Jens Wagner has compiled a static ARM binary for unison 2.40.102. He ishosting it, as well as instruction for compilation, on his web site.

Binaries of Unison 2.48.3 for the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 14.04 may be foundhere.

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Prove That 2-1

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Unison 2 1 10
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